2009年5月16日 星期六

a war fought on women's bodies

星期三去聽了一場美國國會參議院外交委員會的聽證會,主題是剛果和蘇丹地區的性別暴力(gender-based violence)。

Hearing before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Confronting Rape And Other Forms of Violence against Women in Conflict 
Spotlight: DRC and Sudan

Date: 13 May 2009
Place: Dirksen Senate Building

這場聽證會是由威斯康辛參議員 Russell Feingold 和加州參議員 Barbara Boxer 所主持,主辦單位是參院外交委員會的國際行動、國際組織、人權、民主及世界女性議題次委員會 (Subcommittee on Int'l Operations and Organizations, Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women's Issues) 和非洲事務次委員會 (Subcommittee on African Affairs)。Sen. Boxer (D-CA) 最近計畫寫信給Obama and Clinton,建議美國政府對於非洲女性面對的強暴及其他暴行採取行動。聽證會前半場的證人都是國務院官員,後半場都是NGO代表,包括EnoughInternational Rescue Committee, Save Darfur Coalition, V-Day, 。



"I met a women who had 5 children. They took her into the forest with her 5 children, and kept them there for several days. As each day passed the rebels killed one of her children and forced her to eat her child's flesh. She begged to be killed but they refused and said "No, we can't give you a good death."


Last month, after the joint operation between the Congolese army and the Rwandese army to break down the FDLR, in their running away the FDLR raped more women. Our journalists were told that afer they raped the women, they put fuel in their vaginas and set them on fire, and then extinguished the fire. This was done not to kill them, but to let them suffer. There were many other horrible artrocities.


The women ask WHY? Why such atrocities? Why do they fight their war on women's bodies? It is because there is a plan to put fear into the community through the woman, because she is the heart of the community. When she is pushed down, the whole community follows. We also ask, why the silence of the developed countries? When a gorilla is killed in the mountains, there is an outcry, and people mobilize great resources to protect the animals. Yet more than five hundred thousand women have been raped, and there is silence. After all of this you will make memorials and say "Never again." But we don't need commenmorations; we want you to act now."


----Testmony of Chouchou Namegabe, Founder of the South Kivu Women's Media Association. DRC
      the Hearing onConfronting Rape and Other Forms of Violence against Women in Conflict Zones, May 13 2009


每天,在剛果和達佛有幾百人受到性暴力的迫害,在剛果的一省South Kivu,這個一千五百萬人的地區,過去一年有一萬四千個強暴案例,當然實際數目比這多很多。

這塊黑暗大陸離我們太遙遠,先是剛果,再來是達佛,大家都像九四年一樣關掉電視就算了。建立一個衝突礦物的交易管制機制、支持國際刑事法院在剛果和蘇丹的行動、對蘇丹、剛果、盧安達、烏干達這些國家施壓,這些都不像是天方夜譚一樣難以實現,非政府組織很努力地要製造輿論壓力,可是到底要多大的輿論壓力才能讓西方國家有效地採取行動,決定真的 Never again。